Departure services
Meet with assignee to work out any issues related to departure and give assignee a checklist of common preparations and issues.
Work with corporate HR to issue relevant notice to landlord and begin arrangement for recovery of any security deposit (if applicable).
Liaise with assignee on pre-inspection of properties and liaise with contractors (if appropriate).
Liaise with assignee and landlord on handover of properties, and liaise with contractors for reinstatement works (if appropriate).
On date of check-in/check-out, complete Handover Report and arrange for landlord (or their representative) to sign. Maxview staff will countersign on behalf of corporate HR. Assignee will sign as well.
Forward copy of completed Handover Report to corporate HR for record.
Termination of utilities and telephone lines at appropriate time.
Ensure recovery of security deposit within 60 days in accordance with terms set out in tenancy agreement if applicable.
Termination of bank accounts, any club memberships or related, immigration related tasks and final check with assignee that all has been completed.